Case study  | MHFA | Ecommerce

Helping a Mental Health training provider with a better Web Shop

MHFA trains people in the skills to recognise, connect and respond to someone experiencing a mental health issue. To meet the growing demand for this specialised training, improvements were urgently needed to allow for easier purchase of placements across the range of courses, instructor course materials and general merchandise.

The Challenge

To make the all-important purchasing process more efficient and user-friendly a custom Multi-user solution was required. As well as meeting the specific need to facilitate and manage different users each with different permissions, there was also the need to deal with the issues of applying GST and different shipping options. A complete and seamless upgrade was the priority.

Specific Training Course for Spesific Needs MHFA
Mobile-friendly Design and Accessibility MHFA Website

The Approach

A wide range of customised changes were devised and implemented to meet the needs of a variety of users with the ability to cover different accreditations, custom orders, various payment methods and product bundles. Our highly-skilled team met each challenge even adding a Xero integration with 2 way sync which allowed for the complex GST and shipping implementation. The shopping experience was now simplified and streamlined.

The Outcome

A better user experience meant a more efficient and effective process for people or organisations to purchase placements for courses, any relevant materials and resources, and merchandise. With the co-ordination of the different integrations, the barriers to people being able to make different orders, book and pay through the MHFA Shop were eliminated.

MHFA Courses Webshop Showce Feature


  • Xeroom (Xero Integration)
  • ELEX (Shipping)
  • Gravity Forms
  • Relevanssi (Search)
  • Rublon (multi-factor authentication)
Enhancing Website Functionality Through Integrations
Range of integrations Plugins for Website Enhancement


Multiuser Solution – Allows for the management of different pricing, different product permission and different GST status for a variety of different users including a range of Instructors, Relationship Managers, MHFA internal users and the general public.

Max Qty functionality – Allows users to proceed to checkout and complete an order, but MHFA staff need to approve this order first according to the reason why the user needs to purchase more than Max Qty.

Xero Integration – A customised Xeroom plugin allows for a two way integration with Xero. Orders (including payments) are automatically synced with Xero when a customer completes the Checkout process and an order is updated via WooCommerce. Similarly order information is updated in Woocommerce when it’s updated in XERO.

Coupons – This allows Instructors to share materials with their students without needing to purchase it.


Vouchers – Allows users to purchase vouchers as a standard product. Admin is able to specify the discount type, voucher amount and expiry date, allowable emails, user restrictions and if free shipping is applicable. 

Switch To… – This functionality allows us to switch to another user with another role to test the website or specific functionality which are visible only for specific users.

Payment Methods – Provided an ability to offer different payment methods based on the user group. An invoice is generated by WooCommerce for each transaction and provided to the customer upon payment.

Product Bundles – Allows admin to bundle products from the backend and gives users the ability to purchase these products together in a single order.

MHFA Website Login Pop-up Design

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