Case study  | Drillcut | Ecommerce

Drilling Down into a B2B eCommerce Website Overhaul

From selling drill bits and cutting blades on-site out of the back of an ageing car in 1988, Drillcut has established itself as the true frontrunner in the building services industry. It’s a classic story of a family determined to make a difference in an industry dominated by one or two major suppliers over many years. Drillcut is an independent, family-owned company based in Melbourne, that needed their website to support growth and reduce manual tasks.

The Challenge

Drillcut required the website to have a customer portal, offering different levels of access/restriction to various users. This also required a superadmin solution where the client could manage all sides of the portal for all levels of user. 

We also needed to create a custom application to help the Drillcut team reduce manual handling of internal tasks, and streamline content management.

Interactive desktop mockup for the Drillcut website
Mobile mockup for the Drillcut homepage & menu

The Approach

Firstly, we worked with the Drillcut team to design a more premium look and feel for the B2B eCommerce website and portal across responsive desktop and mobile versions. For the development, we chose a Headless React frontend solution with a Shopify Plus backend.

We supported the payment gateway with a seamless MYOB EXO integration. The site features many other integrations such as Algolia Search and 8×8 Online Chat to deliver a premium customer experience.

The Outcome

The final result is a powerful B2B eCommerce website that has significantly reduced internal administration and workload, whilst greatly improving customer satisfaction and store conversion.

Phone mockup for the Drillcut website

Brands Integration Logos


Quick Create
Allows users to quickly create orders, quotes, Drillcarts, or submittals by typing it or uploading a csv file

Allows users to create multiple projects under their branches and assign Orders, Carts, Quotes, Requisitions etc. to the selected projects. Also, allows user to assign other users to project.

Product History
Allows users to view all the products that have been purchased per project and filter them by Product, Date Range and VOC/PVC status. Also allows user to export Product History data in different file formats.

Project Team
Allows users to add and delete users from the project. Also allows to filter users by role

Drillcarts are a quick and easy way to get the Job Done faster. Need to order the same materials for each job, just create a Drillcart, add the items you purchase frequently and make it available to your team. Drillcarts allow users to create product collections which they will be able to purchase anytime later.

System allows users to create new Drillcarts, edit existing Drillcarts, Export, Email, Archive and Delete each Drillcarts. It also allows a Drillcart to be convert to a Quote or a Submittal; or proceed to checkout directly from the Drillcart

E-commerce functionality of the Drillcut website
Desktop mockup for the Drillcut e-commerce section


Saved Carts
Saved Carts give you the flexibility to start and save as many carts as you need until you’re ready to place them. Saved Carts allow users to create carts with different products, with qty and know the total price for the order. Saved Carts are saved permanently in the user account, until the user deletes them.

System allows users to save a shopping cart, edit an existing saved carts, export, email, archive and delete each saved cart. It also allows a cart to be to a Drillcart, Quote, Submittal; or proceed to checkout directly from a saved cart

Create and export quotes for yourself, or add a margin and print it with your logo and customer details.

System allows users to create new Quotes, edit existing Quotes, Export, Email, Archive and Delete each Quote. It also allows a quote to be converted to a Drillcart, Saved Cart, Submittal; or proceed to checkout directly.

List of all order for the branches a user is assigned to. Users are able to search orders by Order No, Project Name, PO Number and Ordered By.

Requisition Orders
Requisition orders allow company administrators to maximize site ordering efficiency while keeping control of costs by setting whether users can order directly or require approval first.

Depending on the user role, they can either place the order directly via checkout or they need to place a Requisition order to their Site Manager or Admin and they will be able to place the order for them.

An administrator or site manager is able to Approve or Deny requisition orders. In case they want to deny it, they are able to leave a reason for denying. They are also able to update the Order and add or delete products or update the qty

Administrators or site managers are able to merge multiple Requisition Orders into one in case they have the same Project and same PO number.


Need to submit documentation to the builder for the products you are using? Submittals is your new best friend!

Submittals allow users to create a list of products without qty and price, just a simple list of products.

System allows users to create new Submittals, edit existing Submittals, Export, Email, Archive and Delete each Submittal. It also allows a submittal to be converted to a Drillcart, Saved Cart and Quote; or proceed to checkout directly.

Invoices & Credits
Invoices section has all the information about invoices. It allows users to pay their invoices all together or one-by-one by using SimplyPaid integration. Invoices have the information about Overdue and End of month due payments as well as a list of recent payments.

Price File Exports
Allows user to generate Price Files with the prices associated with their account.

Company Management
This section allows users to see all the branches that have been assigned to. When creating new branch, an administrator can enter only the relevant Account No and all other information is automatically populated from MYOB EXO ERP system.

Mockup showing the Drillcut website on mobile and desktop
Mobile mockup for the Drillcut website


User management
This section allows users to view and manage other users assigned to the same branch. According to a user’s  permissions, they are able to only see the list of users or edit user details as well as create new users

Roles & Permissions
Drillcut is a multirole solution with particular restrictions for each user role. This allows the system to limit particular actions for particular users for each area they operate in.

Users are able to create new roles and set custom permissions for them as well as copy the existing role and modify them for users needs. According to the permissions, users will or will not be able to see particular sections and do particular actions.

Account Approvals & Authentication
Drillcut is a B2B site and only authorized accounts are allowed to access the portal. For this we have created a functionality where administrators are able to approve new users.

Multiprice Solution
Drillcut is using Multiprice solution for different customers. Each account has its own price for all the products

Redesigned Drillcut website
Previous version of the Drillcut website before redevelopment

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